The National in SoCal

I got to see The National twice this spring, relatively close to home. In March they played at the Shrine in LA and I got pit tickets! It was the premiere of Mistaken for Strangers so I got to see the movie a third time and then The National played a whole set. And Tom even wrangled Matt's mic cord during the walkabout in honor of the night! And I passed their parents as I walked through the orchestra so I waved at them. Yea Berningers! 

In April the band played at the Santa Barbara Bowl. So. Rad. Even though it was cold, windy and rainy, the weather suits them. It really is becoming a leitmotif when I see them. After seeing the setlists from the multi-night stands they did in Chicago and Austin (why the hell didn't I see them in Austin!?) I was hoping for a bunch of rarities, but with a 10pm curfew they only had time for one. But it was Santa Clara! The one bummer was that Matt could barely be heard down front for most of the show, but we just sang along anyway and it was like The National karaoke. Despite the lack of alcohol consumption, there may've been some "woo"ing on my part as well. Sorry.

Special thanks to Jim for getting me Matt's setlist from both nights. He really is the best.